How Can I Get My Medical Bills Paid in an Auto Accident?
In automobile cases in New York, people are very concerned about getting medical treatment and ultimately getting those medical bills paid. The first thing to remember is, if you’re a pedestrian, bicyclist or driver or occupant of a car, the insurance of the car that struck you, pays your medical benefits through a system that is called no fault insurance or no fault insurance benefits. Sometimes you may see it referred to in your own insurance policy as PIP or Personal Injury Protection benefits. In most situations, a person who is hurt in an automobile accident, should not have to pay one dime out of their pocket, whether it be co-pays or any other cost. This is because no fault insurance kicks in and pays the benefits according to their payment scale. As long as you find a doctor who says, “Yes, I accept no fault insurance,” your bills will be paid from that point on, unless and until an event happens that would make it stop. In consultation, your attorney will help to make sure that benefits continue as long as possible.
The law office of Weinstein, Chase, Messinger and Peters is composed of dedicated attorneys, who have years of experience dealing with personal injury cases throughout the Brooklyn, New York area. Contact them for your free initial consultation.