What information Should I Have for a Personal Injury Consultation?
When you consult with a personal injury attorney, he or she will be attempting to understand your loss or injury and determine what action you would like to take as a result of it. In order to assist the attorney to assess legal claims as well as your medical and employment status, you should be prepared to answer a variety of questions such as:
- What result would you like to see from any lawsuit?
- What medical bills have you incurred and how have they been paid if they have been paid?
- Are you on Medicare?
- Is an injury work-related?
- Do you have health insurance and what expenses is it covering?
- Have you been injured or hospitalized before?
- Who are your doctors and how often have you seen them?
- Have you ever filed a personal injury lawsuit before?
- Are you using public benefits?
- Are you married, divorced or separated and is the status related to the injury or loss?
- Are you or have you been in a bankruptcy proceeding?
- Have you been represented by any other attorney on the matter?
- Were there witnesses to an accident?
- Describe in detail the incident.
- Who else has information about the incident?
- Have you provided statements to anyone?
- What other records besides medical records do you have that would be relevant?
- Were there any first responders involved?
- Have you notified your insurance provider about the incident?
Being able to provide this information will also assist the attorney in making recommendations to you about public assistance benefits to which you may be entitled such as worker’s compensation, social security disability, Medicaid, Medicare or social services programs. It is sometimes necessary to utilize these programs to replace lost wages during any recovery. If you have suffered an injury or loss, consult with an experienced personal injury attorney.
The law office of Weinstein, Chase, Messinger & Peters deals with personal injury and medical malpractice cases throughout the Brooklyn, New York area. Contact the office to set up a free initial consultation.