What is Important to Know about broken bones/back and neck injuries sustained from an Accident?
When someone is hurt in an accident and there’s a particular part of the body that is causing them a great amount of pain, they should get checked out as soon as they can. They need to get an x-ray done, at a minimum, to determine if they have broken or fractured a bone (fractured and broken mean the same thing). It’s important to get checked out because if you did break a bone, you need to have specific treatment from doctors who treat bones, which is usually an orthopedist. Once they determine what went wrong, the bone can be casted or immobilized (which mean the same thing), so the bone will heal correctly. This will result in you not dealing with bigger problems in the future. If you didn’t have it treated and diagnosed as a broken bone right away, then it can’t be casted properly to ensure correct healing.
One of the most common injuries that we hear about when talking to a client about their injuries, is back and neck injuries. This is because most injuries that people suffer from, whether it’s a car accident or they fall, is because they end up twisting or wrenching their back and/or neck. Your back and your neck are your core of your person. They are the things that keep people out of work the most and sometimes give you the most pain.. It all depends on how you get the medical treatment you need for those back and neck injuries. Sometimes it seems like nothing and it can quickly turn into be something that causes you extensive problems regarding your back and your neck. You need an experienced law firm, experienced attorney, like the ones in Weinstein, Chase, Messinger & Peters, to help you with your case and get the best result for your back and neck injuries.
The law office of Weinstein, Chase, Messinger & Peters deals with personal injury and medical malpractice cases throughout the Brooklyn, New York area. Contact the office to set up a free initial consultation.