What’s Important To Know About an Ectopic Pregnancy And Termination Of A Viable Pregnancy
- An ectopic pregnancy means when there is a pregnancy outside of the uterus.
- The vast majority of times, it will be in one of the fallopian tubes where is a great risk that there will ultimately be a rupture, hemorrhage and possibly death.
- Early in pregnancy, the developing fetus is so small, it is hard to see them on an imaging study such as a sonogram.
- The problem happens when the physicians rush to judgment and make the decision that they’re not sure if it is in the tube or not but they don’t want it to rupture so they decide to terminate the pregnancy.
- The physician is required to give the patient informed consent.
- Once Methotrexate is given, it is too late to save the pregnancy.
This short Medical Malpractice video was provided by Marc Chase, an experienced Brooklyn Medical Malpractice Lawyer.