What Should I Do if I Get Into an Elevator Accident in Brooklyn, NY?
When someone is injured in an elevator accident, one of the most important things that I can tell them is that they should file a report and contact the landlord, or the owner of the building where the elevator is located.
If an elevator was mislabeled which caused your accident, it is very important to try and get a picture of the elevator in its mislabeled condition; this way we can show the court exactly what happened.
Another way to be successful in an elevator case would involve claiming that the owner or landlord was negligent of the defective condition of the elevator. This may not be so easy if you do not live in the building; that’s where your attorney will try and find witnesses or people who have the ability to provide previous knowledge of the defective elevator before the day of your accident.
This blog was provided by Jules Messinger, one of our experienced Brooklyn premises liability lawyers.
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